CBS Corp. has created CBS Vision, a new research unit the company says is “designed to explore and offer insight on emerging technologies, media consumption patterns and advertising value in the media marketplace, and to share that knowledge with all CBS Corp. divisions as well as outside clients and potential partners.”
The company appointed David F. Poltrack be president of CBS Vision and promoted him to executive vice president and chief research officer of CBS Corp. Since 1994 Poltrack has been CBS Television’s executive vice president, planning and research. In his new role he will continue to oversee all research activities for the network, including audience measurement, market research, program testing and advertising research. He joined the network in 1969.
Commenting on the announcements, Leslie Moonves, CBS Corp. president/CEO, said: “CBS has always been one of the most pro-active and aggressive companies in studying our audience and the landscape in which we compete—David Poltrack and his team have led our industry’s response to issues like DVR viewing and VOD opportunities, recognizing that these new platforms would only enhance broadcast TV viewing. I’m confident CBS Vision will continue to distinguish our research efforts while providing CBS and our partners with the information and analysis we need to continue to compete and win in our respective fields.”
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