Harris Corp. announced the first sale of Nucleus, its next-generation, user-configurable, real-time control panel, to Hearst-Argyle Television’s KCRA Sacramento, Calif.
Providing user-configured control at the center of station operations, Nucleus offers real-time control and monitoring of any Leitch CCS Protocol-enabled device, including the X75 M-PATH multiple-path up/down/cross converter and synchronizer and products within the NEO and 6800+(tm) platforms. Nucleus is configured with an intuitive drag and drop wizard.
Nucleus provides more knobs for parameter adjustments, more buttons to quickly invoke parameter value changes and an enhanced display to improve overall operation. Nucleus users can quickly store and recall device presets and reset a device to a user-defined “unity” setup. Nucleus also offers the unique capability of tracking other network control panels and generates an on-screen notification if more than one user is connected to the same device.
“The Nucleus configuration utility was easy to figure out, and we had the panel up and running in no time,” said Stefan Hadl, KCRA director of engineering. “Nucleus provides us with easy access to device control parameters, a user-friendly display and a higher degree of user customization than we’ve ever seen, giving us superior control over our
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