Veritone, which designs human-centered AI solutions, has launched an AI consulting and services group to bridge the marketplace gap for seamless implementation of AI. With a decade of expertise in developing and deploying AI applications and solutions, Veritone says it is “poised to serve as a strategic partner for AI providers and end customers, facilitating the adoption and integration of AI technologies to drive business success.”
Ryan Steelberg, Veritone CEO, said: “The proliferation of AI technologies has created significant opportunities for organizations across industries, yet many struggle to navigate the complexities of implementation effectively. Veritone’s AI consulting and services group addresses the growing demand for expert guidance in AI implementation. Our services group will help customers realize the value of AI and serve as a significant growth driver for Veritone.”
Veritone’s advisory proficiency, it says, has played a crucial role in the company’s achievement of AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner status within the AWS Partner Network (APN). AWS Advanced Tier Services Partners are organizations recognized for proven technical experience and demonstrated customer experience. To attain AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner status, Veritone met several AWS technical requirements, including AWS certifications, capabilities, and implementations as well as AWS technical and business professional training accreditations.
The company adds: “Achieving AWS Advanced Tier Services status acknowledges Veritone’s AI consulting and services group, which plays a pivotal role in the advancement of AI, empowering customers to effectively use and derive the most benefit from the technology. By combining human expertise with aiWARE technology, the newly formed group will empower businesses on their digital transformation journey through custom AI strategy development, AI workflow solutions and innovation workshops. Furthermore, Veritone consulting and services group can assist in data preparation and migration, expediting path to AI activation.”
Veritone, already in the “differentiated” stage of its AWS Partner Paths, is now an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner “offering unique value in enterprise AI to advance human potential and help organizations achieve more than ever before. The achievement will further empower Veritone to develop and deploy innovative AI solutions, similar to the media management platform and licensing services Veritone architected for U.S. Soccer. By integrating Veritone’s AI technology on AWS, clients can expect enhanced scalability, reliability and performance for their AI-driven initiatives.”
Nick Burton, U.S. Soccer director of content distribution and new media, said: “By leveraging Veritone’s Digital Media Hub AI tagging system, we can preserve soccer’s rich history by more effectively managing, searching, and sharing content.Additionally, with support from its global licensing service, Veritone empowers us to monetize our content, generating new revenue streams and increasing engagement with soccer fans around the world.”
Veritone says its achievement of the AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner status complements Veritone’s “differentiated” stage in the AWS Software Partner Path. “As an AWS Marketplace seller, Veritone offers numerous AWS-validated offerings in key areas such as machine learning and public safety. Additionally, Veritone provides insights and content contributions to the Generative AI Center of Excellence (CoE) for AWS Partners, highlighting the company’s ability to drive AI transformation through application development, generative AI and AI model development onboarding.”
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